S.O.S. What is my new bitch? "Shit on a shingle" could be, maybe, if I were a spotted hyena living on the Serengeti in Africa. It just might be the best way to look at the way that I look at life. Why, you may ask. Well the hyena is the only living predator who can exist on the shit of all others living in her environment, those living on the Serengeti. But, you may say, you don't live on the Serengeti. Matter of fact, even though you look a little bit like the hyena, the fact is, you are the upstart of some failed Irish marriage which was fed on the shit of unfettered dreams because maybe, you-know, you should not have been born in the first place. OK, cream-of-beef dumped on a piece of toast is the Army's Beef Wellington. Yes! You know when the state is against you there is not to much for you to do; except, unless, that is, you walk on the wild side. This is how the state goes about "farming" a crop for the new industrial wave toward enslaving its population of previously known felons. That's right; you got it right. The state's newest secret weapon for distributing wealth - its prison industries bring prosperity back to the Mom & Pop communities where they need cheap labor. For example, in SC the textile industry is being replaced with prisons because the federal government pays the town for its prison population as if the inmates were citizens of the town, etc. etc. You can either crawl under a rock so that you live off of the black market economy; or live a life of crime where you know that there is no end to your "sally;" other than the end -where God is dead- like Sanford speaking out against Trump, getting his ass fried by the electorate because he didn't tow the party line. Yes! My friends, the Fecal party of our society is primed to shit you out; as if you were valued only as fodder meant to permeate, like effluvium, with your decomposition, rotting on the vine. As it is said, shit happens. For example, I was denied entry in England because, like Trump, they were taking back their borders; I was free to travel throughout the European Union because their borders were open. As an American citizen with a felony, England put me on the first flight out of the country heading to the US, Atlanta, GA. I'm shit on the shingle of Trumps' America, formally know as the "U.S.A."
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