Imagine along this journey with me, please, as I reminisce over those first long days being held in the local county jails from NM to SC. I'm hoping to pen it to being Kafkaesque. Imagine if you will to being locked up in a controlled environment like your bathroom; think Kafka. His beetle is all locked up in his room with no escape. So! your bathroom is the beetle's bedroom in my remembrance. Now think about this scenario, and judge if it is torture or not. It's your cell which you share daily along with the other occupants, between 10 & 20, depending on how busy the holiday's are along the coast of Myrtle Beach, SC. In this
remembrance which started in April as a bad April fools joke, went on for more than 90 days. Yes, these inmates of yours would eat and defecate in your open space each and every day. You witness their dally acts; yet, you have no idea when it will end. You are bloating up right along with Kafka's beetle as you both fall into their own metamorphosis. SC gassed its inmates using the spilled flagellants between inmates in the order of their body's gastric imbalance due to the agitated discourse between the inmates and their amount of anger which churns on every moment they are locked up in jail without recourse based around humanity. You are to be gassed until you agree to a plea bargain between you and the state of SC, preempting a jury trial - therefore, saving the state money and time, which by the way does not have any thing to do with justice. Over those 90 plus days you will be part of the stench; it will all be directed in your direction. Yet, is this torture? Every day you become more depressed because the cell turns over as old inmates leave and new inmates arrive. The only think which is constant is that you are still there as others pass you by. Yes on some occasions you witness those inmates squealing around on the floor as they detox from alcohol or drugs or maybe both. They're on their own - other than for the occupants of the cell to witness their agony. Rather like that moment in "Deliverance" where you hear the 'guy quelling like a pig.' That is the Kafka- like process played out in the jail cells of the jail house behind the court house in N. Conway, SC., 1989. The justice system thinks that it is consequential to their practice of obtaining plea bargain agreements from its inmates. So this is the Question: how long do you need to be treated in this manner before you lose your sense of self, dissociate to protect your soul. You Know! To add a little season to the mix, tension between the daily occupants of the cell boil over even thought you are trying to stay sane of mind and body. The tsunami of stench is remnant of a ripening cesspool. Like that one night during your incarceration the occupants of your cell rioted over some guy who had AIDS. They wanted him out of their cell because they were afraid of catching his AIDS, etc. etc. etc.
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