
The impossible! I have been writing my blog these past few years, never getting a response, yet not challenging the system. I'm used to get my message out & about to readers such as yourself. And just last night I stumbled into the answer: "the response key to my blog was turned off." So that even if someone wanted to respond, they could not. Nothing good comes out of an April-fools' joke. But my tale of woe is true. Even so, ring around the rosy, a game out of my childhood where there was always one chair missing; that could have been your chair and probably was. At least, that is the way that life came at me, chair -less. Dumb is kind of how I understand the manner in which I process information. For example, it used to be that the US was the sounding board upon which the European elites projected their 'retroflections': the back drop for political capital against communism -Mother Russia. So! Now! How will the European elites form their opinion? No...