YES! I got caught going into England because I followed the "rules." What do I mean by being caught? Well, Border Force, England's watch dog, is taking back its borders from the influence of the European Union. So what happened? My wife and I had been vacationing in Portugal and Germany; we were coming from Hamburg, Germany on the way to London, England, flying on British Airways Flight 965. We presented ourselves to the customs/passport agent; she decided to seize me and dump my wife in the hall way where she sat waiting for four hours to find out if I was going to be able to enter the country of England. Border Force decided that I was a threat to the people of England; so they put me on the first British Airways plane traveling to the United States without putting my luggage on board the aircraft - therefore causing my luggage to be lost, maybe even stolen from Heathrow Airport, as well as causing great emotional trauma to my wife, who is in her late-sixties. Yes! England's Border Force left my wife waiting for many hours at the airport thinking that I might be able to join her so that we could continue our vacation. At the very last minute, they informed her that they were putting me on British Airways flight 227 to Atlanta, Georgia within a few minutes. I was held incommunicado by the Border Force. At the last minute I was interviewed by one of its agents who asked me to sign a forming stating that I was treated in a very favorable manner. Now at this point I was under the impression that she was going to let me enter London so that my wife and I could continue spending our money, stimulating its economy. Otherwise, I would not have signed their form because I knew that my wife, Jinny, would be under great stress not knowing what was happening. Sidebar: My wife Jinny is a professional in her world; she was scheduled to meet Marge the following night, May 8th, at the Lamb and Flag discussing their personal ambitions as they abate the so many options to chose from. Jinny was truly looking forward to this respite between 'sisters' etc., enjoying the ambiance that London is so noted for. No! What really happened was that Jinny had to fend for herself in London waiting all that night. She was in the dark about where I was; she needed to find out where they were shipping me off too; so that, she could make arrangements to join me. Border Force said it was to Atlanta and that is what she thought until she went to a British Airways desk and was told there was no record of me on a flight. She could not stay in London not knowing where I was. Now could she? So here is the Fxxxing kicker: It was my 75th birthday; she wanted to do it "right": 21 days spread out over Portugal, Germany, & England. ending with a "girl's night with an old friend." What did she get: Extra! Extra! read all about it!: England's Border Force hit another $1000 dollar a day "tourist" out of the park, over the fence. It's taking back those borders without defining the nature of this new border they call: We are not European Union.
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