Life is an opening up experience; so listen to the beat of your soul; it is how you displace your self among others. But if you are being controlled by sources out side of your reach, where you have to abide to the terms of these sources which you have no control over. Second Class: that is you. you dine on the crumbs made up of your dreams because you are not allowed into the game. And! If they lose their way as they trickle, twirl, swirl their way through life's resources, you have to clean up the mess with your unappreciated labor. You Know! They must have a parachute because they are in the game of 'life' and you are not one of them. For example, there was a time when white man ruled the market place of ideas, their women were their secretaries. Yet! today, those same women are running their own pathways; leaving their males to catch up with their feminine side of understanding. It's a new world order. Only! You are not allowed to 'vote' because you are second class. Like! You may be a 'felon,' therefore, disenfranchised! Because you are a felon, the labor market shuns you. Yes, you are being punished for being born. Otherwise, the 'society' would have to take some of the responsibilities behind making you a felon. Life is the crime of opportunity- where someone was not taking care of his own assets; leaving them unattended, so that others can avail themselves to that which is available because it was not tethered. OK! But it does bring up a very hollow sound when the bell tolls for thee. You know, as well as I, that they know, that you are not part of the main; you are the second class citizen who gets to refute John Dunn's Meditation 17 when you declare that there is no evidence in your life to support his idea that, "no man is an island unto himself, yet part of the main. Bull shit! Right! you are a felon. society is closed to you. You are a member of one of the fastest growing population in the United States. You are a member of the Criminal Justice system.
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