Let me be: "let it be...." When everything is on the table, you are on the table too: Meaning, action is continuously in motion as your stomach's respiratory system is. Action is the tangential force nurturing the optimal outcome. For example, "fear" is the absence of action for action is fearless because it is action that makes the world go round, not fear and procrastination. Yes, it is true that there are consequences for each move being made moment to moment as life moves on. Let me tell you a "story": in the complex where I live the water bill is part of the regime's monthly costs. So, if the water is being wasted than it is my responsibility as a citizen of the corporation's alliance to speak up; I said to the little cigarette smoking oriental looking man who was spraying the plants from the opposite side of the driveway, flooding the drive between himself and the bushes, " water is 'very' expensive." Yes that was it; for he shut the water off, went home. Now, I do not know why he did not just walk across the drive, spraying the bushes and not wasting water. So, what am I saying? The oriental looking man understood the consequences of his actions and acted appropriately. As for myself, I was hoping that the man had some of his Divine DNA in his family's tree because he could take offense. By his actions, he did not question this funny looking old white man wearing a foolish hat on his head with a feather sticking out of it portraying an image, that he could be a beast of nature. You Know! I would not want to engage in a long conversation over his socialization if I did not have to, especially on my way to turn the water on at the pool, because the real temperature here in Charleston today will be 107, at this temperature water evaporates drearily. But the pool must stay at a steady level to run it properly for the use of the guests. I'm not a guest, I'm a victim of a foolishly constructed homeowners contract. I do not use the pool so the water level means nothing to me; yet nature means everything to me. I would rather be watering the plants & bushes properly than what I was on my way to do, turning the water spigot on, allowing water into the pool so that the sun can suck it up. Yes! mother nature will also spit it right back at me in the form of one of S.C.'s stormy hurricanes. But when I get that "water" back it is not on my sewer bill; it is covered by my insurance's obligation. The "Beatles" strike again, "let it be....
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