Sitting: ass spreading....

I have to get up off my ass remembering that life, no matter its moment, is very fickle -dues to death's door. So, what is crime? First! You need to look at 'Opportunity'; this is "you"; because it is you who set up the crime of opportunity. For example, you left your car unlocked with your valuables shining out to me, catch me if you can. So, yes I try to be more like you; so, I steel your identity, your toys. I am your acolyte -want to be. You go to the beach, leaving the shore for the baptismal waters, -a two week vacation- your belongings left unattended for a needy soul to acquire for their pleasure.  You give someone the opportunity to enter your domain; you think that they will respect your "privacy." It is a crime to believe that nonsense. Intangibles can be very valuable, yes indeed. Now! I'm in your home because we are friends; you are giving me tacit permission to steel your privacy because deep down you want someone to offer your redemption, sort of like the Papal Bulls put out by the church to forgive you for your future transgressions as well as absolution for your past. Snooping is when you look under the covers and see that which is private; but, yes it still is steeling like errors of omission. You put out "false hoods" when you gossip steeling someone's reputation; you do this with impunity because you have no value for the "gossip" only for its affect. It's just you talking trash to elevate your own stature within your mind's eye. Yes! It's one of your many weaknesses.  I have them too. We all do -you know. It is sort of like raising up your right hip spreading your ass cheeks while releasing gas -farting a good one. Just think about it, your sitting down in a chair; so, if you release the gas it could make a noise; therefore, you raise your right or left hip, letting it rip out hoping that the theory behind solipsism has some merit. 


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