
Showing posts from July, 2014

Does It "matter" ?

Me too! It does not "matter" to me whether you care about it or not; I'm only interested in the "matter" of whether or not you understand it- therefore willing to accept "culpability" to it. Being responsible for not paying attention to what others are saying in your name. You are "John Q. public." So I ask you: if you find yourself in a "situation" where you have to judge something in abstention, how will you deconstruct your "point of view" to be the judge? Why will you "matter" if you never payed attention to the potential causalities brought through your behavior. "Judge not, be you judged" is not an acceptable way to pass through life; however, it is an "enjoyable" way to pass through life. Because when you see how others have failed, you know that you can do better; therefore, you too commit the "sin." But, you never understood the fallacy behind believing in this "matter....


So they say "low-T;" well I'm not sure that is the problem. Because I personally was never aggressive, stupid yes, but not aggressive. How about you; is your state of mind something that you control, or do you like so many others just go off the deep end when someone steps out of line -in your estimation- and ruffles your feathers without them even knowing that this slip on your part has occurred? Yes! if it is your mind, it is your slip. So please pick yourself up instead of tearing someone down. When you tear someone down all you are doing is showing how shallow your mind can be and therefore, expressing the depth of your insecurity. OK, maybe it is "low-insecurity," not "low-T." Whatever it is, it could be the root to that which has been bothering your sense of self. What do I mean? Remembering you are or "could" be a product of passive acceptance from your family, friends, neighborhood and your questionable education because if you have a...

Torpedo or full steam ahead?

You need to be an "optimist" for the sake of your own "opportunities." Otherwise you are "off the table" when "life" comes around. Of course I believe this because I have never been able to get my "yesterdays" back after I squander their moments. Yes, that's right; you have to be willing to participate in the game of life or sit on the side lines and grow old. Life is rather like the theater - to get the best experience, you need to "suspend your disbelief" so that your creativity has a chance to find its potential expression. One of the greatest obstacles that you need to address is your ability to attract positive influences in your life. Because negativity will destroy creativity if you do not do due diligence. Yes, it is the negative force which is brought on by others because of jealousy from within your family of influence, or the competitive forces from the "grinding out of life," the meat grinder of compe...

Asking "forgiveness".

I do a post daily so I do not want someone to misunderstand my position; I'm not talking about spirituality, your belief system. I'm happy that you have one; I wish I had one. Anyway, I like very broad latitudes when playing "metaphor" with the symbol of the church. If you could say universal church, you could "metaphor" the catholic church, catholic means universal. And the best part of that you can bring up Rome, remembering Emperor Constantine creating the Papal State, your bible. From my point of view, you need "confession" because you sin daily without remorse if you are as like your neighbor. Worry not, every neighborhood has its own unique sins. The beauty of a sin is that it can be a "big" sin or a "little" sin; confession is good for the soul, speak up in this "space" for your forgiveness.  I'll always love the Papal Bulls being sold during the reformation because they allowed you immunity from sin, theref...


When you do a certain action over time, you become immune to that action. It's familiar, second nature. Therefore, if you are not careful, when you move into a new situation your familiar action could lead to unwanted consequences because you did not take into consideration the effect of your action on the peripheral terrain. Remember what Machiavelli said about your adversary's terrain: "...know it intimately before you attack...." Each time you interact with the public is an opportunity for growth, person to person. These first moments can be critical if you are wishing for a "win win situation." You want to follow the lead not the leader, listen to the "idea" fully before considering a "decision." Because if a decision means that you are cutting yourself off, if you are closed to the "idea," before you gave it a chance it will be like the dominoes falling after the first one falls unfurling its action from beginning to end, c...


I am what I am because I never knew myself; so, now who am I?  I'm the empty space between the place that I wish I had visited, the way that I was not nurtured. So, what am I saying? I'm saying that I did not understand that I was responsible for whom I would become because I was too busy with life's business - meaning life can come at you without deference to your needs, a place setting for you at life's table. You cannot guide yourself if you do not understand that the space you are occupying at the moment is in conflict with, or in confluence with forces outside of your control. In my case, due to errant socialization which lacked positive exposure to the meaning of personal participation, I did not know that I was doing an injustice to myself. For I never knew that there was a meaning to life other than to survive- however life's "Helter Skelter" was streaming in my direction - like I supposed a skier might run into a mogul patch made up from those who...

"Shit" happens!

When I was attending the college of Charleston, I was living on Bennett St., one block from a small park blessed with the remains of one of Charleston's old libraries, with just the columns remaining to mark its time and place. 22 Bennett St. was an old boarding house with about 11rooms which could be combined to create rental situations, whatever I chose to do with it, to accommodate whoever came my way. I did not know that I was running an illegal boarding house until I took over the ownership of the business- the Vicky Lynn House, was going to be its name. You see, everything I did was wrong because I was doing it. Yes! I was the felon who could be "fucked" by the citizens of Charleston, SC. -fucked over by whoever chose to because it suited the moral decay of SC and their citizens. Believe me or not, it is your privilege to believe what you wish; but when you give the power to someone who is weak, as the judiciary is weak, you are giving the power to the forces of evi...


Dressing for success is a truism; it is also true, that just because you are dressed does not mean that you are ready for it. When your dress is appropriate: You are appropriately dressed for the occasion - well then you are ready for success. It is being a member of the whole;what counts is participating as an equal member; if this is dissolved for false cause, the constitution needs to be called in to facilitate justice under the law, not under the church. Now, as for myself, I was never ready for success; but I was ready for the lessons that I learned from my failures. Yes, there were many failures throughout my whole entrepreneurial life style. But I was not a failure before I was drafted in the arms service, serving four years in the Air Force -1964/68. For example, I was the personal assistant to Norman W. Farley when I was drafted. I was responsible for adjusting his financial ledger on a daily basis.  Norman owned the Meadow's Night Club just west of Boston. He ran all of h...

It's Mickey...M. O. U. S. E.

If you, as an individual, cannot be protected from the forces of "evil," what other alternative do you have other than the court of public opinion? Right! Public opinion is too fickle to be counted on unless it is backed up by some good media "hype. "Now I'm not "good" media hype, so therefore, the fickle public has not formed any type of umbrella to protect my constitutional rights. There is the 14th amendment to the constitution which requires equality; all are equal under the law. This is not a true statement in my particular case, unless you are rooting for corruption across all domains without any rein on its range of culpability. If you "could" accept the fact that people are corruptible- yes, maybe some are not corruptible on that which is critical to their belief system; but that does not mean that they hold your "self worth" to the same esteem as their own "self worth." For example, in the Middle East the organiz...

Can the "fat" lady sing?

The little lady who wants to repent just might have bitten of more than she can chew; why, because it has to do with life style; as you know, once yesterday slips by all its potential is gone. So, when you are in the "day" respect its potential affect upon your life; the life of humanity as well. Please reflect on the word, the word TIME reflecting back its essence through the mirror's reflection is EMIT; this is giving to others because it's the nature of things, living comes to mind. If you take everything off the table for your winnings, how will we get back into the game that you love so much? You have consumed the 1% so that now there is only you. "This too will pass" is one of the quotes coming off of the Jesus "quote book" during Biblical times. Religion and its followers have bitten of more than they can chew too; for, they are over weight with dogma; they are under supplied with compassion because life is in the here and now; it is not in ...

Pay to play!

When I was a boy there was a place that I wanted to go to because it was the beginning of getting there. Jimmy lived on the left side of the boardwalk; the potato chip factory was on the right hand side of the boardwalk; you could always find a bag of chips in the outgoing trash bins; they had boxes full of chips, free. With a bag of chips in my hands, I would walk the boardwalk down to the river's edge. When you got to the water, you never knew who would or could be there. The "hobo" was still riding the rails of the train in my youth. My spot had a bridge for the trains to cross over; that is where the "hobo" would jump off, or jump on the train going to Boston. Some of them camped along the river's bank; you grow up fast when you hang out with the "hobo," some of them were very "strange" guys. The Charles' river is a very sexual river at least as seen through my eyes. The cemetery backs up the road that I step off of and onto the b...

It's killing me:

Do you even exist, or are you a figment of my condition; I have so many "conditions" that I just say condition. I hope that you are 'OK' with that. What I mean by condition: the diagnosis from my many mental health therapists. No one wants to work with me because all of the conditions have been written up; it's beyond their ability to string together any other scenario that could help toward their recognition. Yes! It is the truth, fuck it! if they cannot get recognition from their peers, it's off the table. So, all I have is you, you who I write my thoughts to. Because the system has me so "boxed" in that I cannot get away from myself even if I tried. So, I'm asking you to go to my web site; read one of my past blogs; this will help you to understand who I am. Not completely, I know! But, if you read one, it will record on my board; one by one we can help each other to stay out of our own way. My web site is WWW.THEBLACKMARKET.ME. My e-mail is b...

Piggy back!

She invited me for a ride as we passed by each other one early  morning. I was out and about in Barcelona looking for an early morning cup of coffee. "Take a piggy back ride to remember me by"; that is what she said.  I'm telling you, there is never a dull moment when you stroll the streets of Spain. You know! The buildings along the main fair in Barcelona are from out of the time zone. One of them looks as if it going to melt. They have been working on one of their churches decades; they are no where near finished; I'm telling you the story of life is being constructed in the facade of the church's outer skin; when you walk in side the church, that is if you can get in side, you will take your senses into wounding why there is this pursuit to perpetuate the myth of the church. Yes! She wore her genitals on her back because she said it was more convenient when she is in flight. She said she gave the best riding tour over the city, "Just hock up with me 'h...

Sitting: ass spreading....

I have to get up off my ass remembering that life, no matter its moment, is very fickle -dues to death's door. So, what is crime? First! You need to look at 'Opportunity'; this is "you"; because it is you who set up the crime of opportunity. For example, you left your car unlocked with your valuables shining out to me, catch me if you can. So, yes I try to be more like you; so, I steel your identity, your toys. I am your acolyte -want to be. You go to the beach, leaving the shore for the baptismal waters, -a two week vacation- your belongings left unattended for a needy soul to acquire for their pleasure.  You give someone the opportunity to enter your domain; you think that they will respect your "privacy." It is a crime to believe that nonsense. Intangibles can be very valuable, yes indeed. Now! I'm in your home because we are friends; you are giving me tacit permission to steel your privacy because deep down you want someone to offer your redempti...

" stair case"

The worst place to be is in the correctional meat grinder of the "justice" system; a close second is the prison that you presently occupy. You are searching, seeking and questing the answer which occupies you the most, internal or external gratification. Where do you put your roots down, in conceptualization or contextualization? Is your context money, the riches to attain the "toys" that you favor; or is it the concept of being whole with your surroundings, community -dancing with the one who brought you." OK! think about the commitment needed to do what you want to do, attain the desired ends to foster your enlightenment. For, as you already know, it does not matter which way you go; you are going to be anxious over your situation: the prison of maintaining your "toys,"work. In the India of days gone by, the Rajah gave you a present of the sacred elephant; thereafter it is your religious duty to tend to this elephant's needs. It was a way in whi...


P.S.! You are not going to believe this and that is OK. But I was told that there was a rumor going around when my Pardon was turned down that some members of the parole board did not want to grant it because of Oprah. They just knew that if they granted the pardon that Oprah would cover it on her TV show; the rumor was that no one on the Pardon Board wanted to meet Oprah under such a controversial decision, granting a pardon to an innocent person. All because it was rumor that she was coming to Charleston, SC. What can I say? Also, just before I went up for my Pardon, the board granted a pardon to Mr. Brown for his crazy antics against his wife; than he turned around and did it again. My attorney told me that the Pardon board was very leery of redemption after the "grandfather of soul" reneged on his newly granted Pardon which makes more sense than this Oprah thing. So! No one on the Parole Board wanted any more negative attention after the attention they got from g...

"Shine on harvest moon...."

To my friends, I say "may yesterday's dream be tomorrow's memory." Yes! this means that I hope that the actions that you put in place reach their fruition in the morning. To you I say:Your wish is granted, be it a day of "hooky from school," or what ever else you desire, enjoy. Now! Please! When you wake up from slumber "remember" yesterday was joyous, let the residue flow over into a life of tomorrows. You see, you did not allow yourself to get in the way of your potential yesterday. Yes! You can walk on the "wild side" so that you "could" have a "tale" to tell. Tell it as if it were a dream, no liability that way. You do not want to worry about litigation. You know that gossip rules; time allows you to allow others to embellish their memory of the tale that you had to tell. Your point of view so full of holes is now being served up as Swiss cheese. Maybe some day you will grant me my memory of joyous devilry. Like re...

Bottom's thong

The "bottom" of what? You may ask this question, if you first understand that the problem is that you want to be top down, controlling. Now! The solution to the problem is "bottom-up" meaning that it is driven by the needs of the individual and not the group. The group is a top down hegemonic structure; you can also say it is fascist in nature rather like the political structure in the Southern aristocratic point of view. The "position" hordes the power; you occupy the position.  So, if you are going to facilitate the situation you have to have compassion for the pieces as well as the piece being created. So, did some one commission you to create life's "work of art," or are you life's "work of art" participating in life projecting your sense of vision upon the canvas of humanity? For example, if you can walk around  wearing a thong with complete comfort, I feel that you have that right because you are the "work of art...

Crossing over....

Let me ask you a question:where do "experiences" come from? Now!  Some people have said, "if you do not hire me where will I get my references from?" "I need to get the job first; than I will have a reference." OK! It is something like the "chicken's egg" and you are being asked to hatch it, nurturing out that first needed "reference." It cries out: I'm a go getter, give me the "experience" so that I may reach my potential. Right! The problem with this argument is quite simple and I will not bother to reference it again because you are not so special that I should chose you over an other.  So, moving on, "experience" is all about helping others to solve a situation, offering you a learning opportunity as well as a direction in life. For example, coming out of Boston, Ma in the early 60's you networked out of your down town office. You put your ideas on the table and allowed others the opportunity to parti...

it's gone.

Do yourself a favor: if you can put your "mind" on hold and let your "brain" function, you could accomplish what you need to accomplish to get beyond the dissonance you feel. You "could" if you wish to; as for myself, I have not been able to shake this "fucking" that I got from the state of SC. And! they want me to bend over every time I go in and out of the country, the good old USA. Yes, for the past 25 years I have been taken aside each and every time I pass through customs. It is very humiliating to have to go through their eclectic cells; they treat you as if you are toxic, each time there is a different sent of rejection because the customs people are different; they are from different points along the periphery of the USA. Over the past 2 5years I have been on all of the borders. I felt their rejection like Jesus felt his thorns. This past trip to the British, VI, I was informed by Homeland Security that it was my personal responsibility t...

flailing "white" boy

"White Boy" is the name of the boat in front of the patio with the blue doors; this is where I'm living for the next three days. It's my deck because I'm paying the rent for this lovely one bedroom suite in the harbor on the island of Tortola, VI. But, It's not my boat - no keys. I'm waiting for my boat to come online so that I can go sailing, 51 footer. I'm white Irish from the streets of Boston, Ma. The prevailing winds ring out the symbols of symbolism: "a white boy up the river without a paddle," no keys. I do not drink alcohol unless I'm out of the country because I'm a felon with a target on my back. I'm also a political prisoner under the judiciary's umbrella. So, I'm sitting on this dock drinking "pain Killers" and thinking about the Islands that I'm about to visit. Also, I am running away from the poor "white boy" in my own remembrance, me. My only regret, I did not have any "ganja,...

You know who!

"Yesterday, my troubles seemed so very far away; oh! I believe in yesterday" and not the "fucking" mad world of today; maybe tomorrow will take today away, "oh how I believe in yesterday." What a crock of fucking bull shit; the only real time there is is being in the moment even if you are in the middle of life's war on "thongs." Also, if you find yourself flailing around in someone else's undies man up and shut up for discretion could be the best part of valor; otherwise, you might not get the opportunity of grappling over the "thongs." So what do I mean, I'm talking about your inner voice. The character that you portray through your actions. For example,  US "think" for the Middle East created "Wasabi-ism" in the House of Saudi, its hermeneutic. This is the beginning of the meaning of "Jihad;" Jihad is a US export. The basic point to understand is that this form of Islam is very conservative; ...


You do it without worrying about the consequences of your action. Yes! ...for some reason only known to you. For example, I have no "fucking" idea what is "right" or "wrong" at any given moment because I know that the judicial system is being corrupted by those "elites" in control of government. To me, the "elites" are just old time Fascists from another era of time. You know! -The Italian city states from days gone by, coupled with our prince, Machiavelli control freaks who use you as a "bit" in their world of hegemony. This I know because this is the meaning of "is." To you self best interest is the right way to make a decision about how you are going to respond around others, publicly as well as private. You couch this approach to others as benevolent as you can; Yet, your decisions do not allow for taking into consideration the extraneous others who live on the periphery side of your social sphere. Those who are ...

"Scat!" mouse.

It is the feeling of "inferiority" that rules the day. Now it is not absolute by any means; this is the ugly side of "inferiority" that will not confront itself, its shadow's effect can spread as the "canape" shades the forest's fertile floor, ground.  You can do it; you just need someone else to do it through; some have said that it sounds like it could be a "father" thing, very toxic relationship. In my case it could also be a "mother" thing because she was on the electric-shock program at the mental hospital every time she went off; she was always off. So, in my situation, I got it both ways. The thing that I got out of it is very special to me; my imagination. Yes, because I believe that I cannot do it; I can see how you can do it. Therefore, the two of us can get it done, together. Fear is a learned response. The problem is when you internalize it, you empower it, draining your functionality. This is the problem that you ar...

I'm a Mosaic: piece.

Life is a mosaic: I was formed out of life; I'm a piece of life's mosaic. The beauty of being a mosaic is that each piece is hand made out of individual pieces, each with its own colorful history. I'm a beautiful handmade piece of life's mosaic. Now I'm not saying anything other than that each piece in life's mosaic is uniquely formed, yet maybe not socialized. For example, there are many divisions in science. My metaphor is the battle over "nurture and nature" when dealing with data. The child is forming in an environment of diminished returns. This small family of origin is very dysfunctional. Brain is in the dead zone, extraneous data out of a negative environment. How the fuck does the judicial system think that it can judge that which was not socialized. For example, my socialization was different from yours because I did not live your life, you did. You did not live my life; I did. This can be measured as the "differences between" again...

Fuck -up's

Let's face it; God is dead. Or, maybe God never existed. We know this because the judiciary is alive; they are the most likely villains that came up with this urban legend, anyway. Let's face the fact that no one ever introduced us to anyone remotely related to anyone who ever meet this power behind the third wave of the ocean's awakening - You know, the parting of the Red Sea. But we have all met someone who has been fucked over by the judiciary and their apostles. Let's call a spade a spade when it is a spade that life offers you to dig your way out of the shit house offerings from the judiciary's courtliness ways. Yes, the Court's apostles are false witness against the natural order of life's happiest opportunities, sex, drugs and rock & roll. I'm sorry. I'm just reminiscing about what could have been if the fucking naysayers of life stayed in their bathroom stalls and masturbated away their life's wishes. For example, James, the brother o...

Debbie's corner

They say that there could be a link between "ganja" and schizophrenia. but they do not know which direction controls the action, the cannabis or the brain. Think about it this way: you wake up in the morning with a personality intact, and you go about your business as usual; you do this all the time, the same personality, normal. OK! When someone's brain can step in and change itself on will into another set of dynamics, personality. This process is, to some, schizophrenia by definition. The study that I read said that it could just be that the "schizo -you" is trying to get out - using "ganja" to facilitate the process of morphing away from life. Releasing your old "assumptions," their reality, taking on a new you like changing your clothes, your "personality" for a short period of time. For example, Dr. Jeckle  and Mr. Hyde. only that was cocaine, right. When I am under the influence, I always tell myself that I cannot experience ...

Convergence: my pieces.

Yes! I can be whatever you want me to be; but I cannot be what I want to be unless you leave me alone to experience life's richness, to attain the possibilities within my reach, maybe beyond? So, please attend to your own garden. Leave my fucking garden alone. I do not understand your dream for me. Your dream for me is somewhat like the dream you have for the Middle East; see how they too do not understand what motivates the  resolve that you are proposing. Your fucking Christian crusade to conquer the holy lands again for some "fairy" tale that you choose to believe in. Anyway! When you leave "nature" alone there is evolution - The evolution of the Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire has only fermented discourse which at best is guttural because of outside influences such as when the Pope call for Sunday to be elevated back to the Blue Laws of yesterday's dogma. Fuck! The Atheists are into Friday; maybe the Islamic are into Saturday; the meat g...

Quiet firecrackers: July 4th 2014

I was watching C-Span on TV yesterday; the subject, as far as I'm concerned, hit the nail squarely on the head of the problem -judicial corruption. For example, in my own situation, I was found guilty of a crime which never happened because the judge caved into the political powers that put his "black" ass in office. Let me set the scene: It's 1987; I'm in Myrtle Beach, SC., living across from Mother Fletcher's on 8th Ave.N. In these time's Mother Fletcher's was the reigning incubator of social intercourse. My epicenter -my corner of the "world" was Bus.16 and 8th ave N. What was I doing that turned the system against me? Well let me answer that question, by saying, "not understanding how eccentric the opposition could be.' For example, one night while checking into my new "occupancy" around 75th Ave. N. -on the beach, three men came at me; one of them knocked me out as I responded to their inquiry. They worked for the prop...

Early, Curly & Young

So the three of us sat down and put together our outline -the talking points of this sit down. Now, to set the stage I'm going to draw upon the image of Bretton Wood - the elites coming together in New Hampshire to discuses the settlement of War and Gold. This is how Europe was going to be refinanced after WWII -1944.  OK! Now, today -both The UK & US are in the "thongs" of the Dragon Lady. In the U.S. she goes around town driving her new toy, "the tea party." In the UK it's the "new center party" out of the house of Commons. This is the problem facing the far -right in politics. It's all about balancing the budget. For example, fifty years ago the Federal Reserve and the political elite in the U.S. believed that they had a formula to pay off the National Debt. Also, the UK's finance man of the hour saved the West when he pumped money and resources into the 1987 UK market place, early and hard. Otherwise, according to those who were the...

Stepping on....

It is all about setting the scene. And! Life's all about your journey through time; it's all about you going beyond your family of origin, stepping on top of people as you find your way.  This is the way it is supposed to work for the healthy Brain; unfortunately, society wants to control the way that the Brain processes its choices. You are denied the opportunity of doing and gaining experience through participation. Now this is a popular social model used by the "elites" because most of the Brains in the population were "dumbed"  down by the prejudices learned within the their family of origin. The Brain needs to go beyond the individual's point of view. Because "self best interest" is the prevalent gate keeper of Society's masses. Meaning, society's elites control threw opportunities; which means that society will give and it will take away because it is a game of political proselytizing. It is their play book on Hermeneutics. But!...

Toasting: "Maggots all."

We are designed to consume each others affect; think about maggots eating away, all consuming on a pile of carcass laying out in front of you. Hold that image in your mind's eye so that I can use it as an example -metaphor.  All of these maggots are "demonstrating" the same behavior in the same manner that people consume the energy of others; to be a "people" is to be consumed while consuming too. DNA! It's coded in the egg that hatched. My nickname could be "hatch;" this is true for you as well because you too are one of the hatched eggs. You -like the maggots- are consuming the carcass of life -life's carcass. I think that you could benefit from the metaphor if efficiency is part of life's solution. May I say, "What is more efficient than a colony of maggots." I bet you -dime to dollar- that you would like to have a little bit of that "efficiency" in your life as well; but then you would have to give up your mind. We b...

Life, is it a dream?

It is true; I read the book - "Life is a Dream;" I did this while attending a course in Spanish Literature. This is what I learned: When you are dealing in the throngs of power, beware of the one who wears the "thong" of today. In the story -"life is a dream," this child made the Queen scream so loudly during child birth that the king had him locked up until his 18th birthday without telling him that he was the prince. Shit! if only some one did not tell me that I was a prince, but told me everything else that I needed to know in life, I too would forgive the king for his immaturity. Now that would imply to me that you "should" pop into life as genitally as possible; do not fuck around with mother. Meanwhile,  but not as in my personal case, the prince was instructed in the arts, humanities, and sciences. Also, there was a caveat added to the king's edict; the prince had to understand the "why" of the king; for, if he did not, the k...