Having a good time : < }~~ 0 ~~{ < :

At my expense, it is my life. I did not create the stage. I'm the understudy in this adaptation; I must learn my line so to assure others that I'll be there for your pleasure if anything interferes with today's performance. I'm studying for the part about the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the USA. There is this thing about the 5/8 status of the slave; the slave got liberated and he needs a new value base upon equality, 8/8 or a full member of the population. Another thing, if everything is a commodity, than the money has to flow from the individual to the federal government, from the federal government to the state based upon its population. A side bar to this is that some states put more money in to the federal treasure than they get out, plus some states put in less than they receive from the federal treasury. For example, MA put in more than they get back; SC receives more money from the federal government than their citizens contribute to the federal government. There is also some hidden agendas that have to be taken into consideration, like it was SC and its political quagmire that cause the revolution and a war between the states. When looking at this role, it seems to me that SC has been somewhat inbred politically. Because SC was defeated on not one front but two: they lost the war; they were forced into the construct of reconstruction, a political form of governing, where the exslave could perceptively be the governor. Today's play is a reflection upon the construct of reconstruction, its foibles. It seems that SC has gone from slavery as a commodity to felons as a commodity: For example, based on our tax system, each person has a cash value which is paid into the system on their behalf. Think Charleston, SC. Or Charleston County. Local and state governments get a distribution of federal monies based on population. Now if they move the felon out of one area, they move the money too; I think of this as a way for the elites to shift their political capital from one area to another along with the location of the prison, its location.  Now, the local government gets to use the felon as a way to bloat the population numbers of their community, even though the felon has no status. And where does the state system put these prisons; they put them in areas that have lost their industries; furniture companies come to mind. To understand how this came about let's travel back in time to when the south was dealing with the issue of slavery; they wanted to count the slave as 5/8 of a person, the value of a slave in the redistribution of federal funds going back to the states. The 14th amendment came about to rectify the full value of the slave when he was emancipated. So the south came up with the idea of turning the "slavery" system into the "felon" system; business as usual goes on in the southern sense of socialization. The tipping point of power comes in when you count the vote. If you are a felon you are not counted; you are harvested by the state.You are fruit, as they say, the cash that the federal government allots the state for your incarceration, shifting the felon away and taking his negative vote, the -felon- cannot vote for my opposition. 


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