Imagine if you would, just for the moment, that you entered into the world of "tant-twan-asi," loosely translated it means -the other times me. Please allow your mind to explore its unseen patterns. Those ideas that get under your skin because the general idea of it does not have a sacred corridor in your mind's eye. Share "self" with "self" so that there can be a context to unfurl between one and another. The unionized felon's stage is set to assist in its members entrepreneurial needs.There is a new site coming on line in the near future:; it will be operated through the union. Union members will be able to financially invest in these new endeavors, putting their discretionary funds to work on their behalf. This way the union member sees the assurance to the union's insurance that when he/she participates with like-minded members, their financial needs are met. This is not a new idea for me. Back in March of 1981, I was meeting with the A.F.L. / C.I.O. legal council, John Fx Davoren and "Tip" O'Neill, Speaker of the House, in Washington,D.C. This was also the beginning of the end of my career in "Boston." "Boston Blacky," mentored by Bernard T. Golden. They were going to invest union money in developing Interval-ownership properties so that trade unions could create "jobs" for their members and assure the member's family a vacation each and every year.
Imagine if you would, just for the moment, that you entered into the world of "tant-twan-asi," loosely translated it means -the other times me. Please allow your mind to explore its unseen patterns. Those ideas that get under your skin because the general idea of it does not have a sacred corridor in your mind's eye. Share "self" with "self" so that there can be a context to unfurl between one and another. The unionized felon's stage is set to assist in its members entrepreneurial needs.There is a new site coming on line in the near future:; it will be operated through the union. Union members will be able to financially invest in these new endeavors, putting their discretionary funds to work on their behalf. This way the union member sees the assurance to the union's insurance that when he/she participates with like-minded members, their financial needs are met. This is not a new idea for me. Back in March of 1981, I was meeting with the A.F.L. / C.I.O. legal council, John Fx Davoren and "Tip" O'Neill, Speaker of the House, in Washington,D.C. This was also the beginning of the end of my career in "Boston." "Boston Blacky," mentored by Bernard T. Golden. They were going to invest union money in developing Interval-ownership properties so that trade unions could create "jobs" for their members and assure the member's family a vacation each and every year.
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