Innocence Project...

Innocence: Do not leave it/them out in the cold as Trump has led you down the rabbit-hole of autocracy. There are many people in prison who do not belong there because of the system of white privilege which is being practiced in the state of S.C. Now! At this moment, on a tertiary level, you may find some compassion for those many souls lost to such a system at hand. For you, there will be a future system opening up so that you can get on with Life's journey. No, not so for the fallen felon, innocent or not, all are burned as fodder for the status' of those prejudices which create the environment from which these felons were crafted, poverty. May it be intellectual or financial in nature, you cannot also expect to become farmers of impoverished souls. For example, Just look at the manner in which the criminal justice system in the state of South Carolina has conducted itself, i.e., evidence the News & Couriers' expose on the subject in their news paper over the past few...