Celebration of life...:)~@

Let's surrender disbelief, as is said in the Art world; get our head reposition upon our neck in a manner that will allow our nervous system to continue on its way down our spinal column into our inner world. One's body. That's right. This weekend I had a double hitter, meaning, in the morning my head was reposition upon my neck; it now sits in the centered of my neck, and not tilted to the right of center as it had been. the blood flow was out of this world, flowing across the cortex of my mind. That same evening, I attended a friends celebration of life. It was as if I were again on a horse with no name, my body felt none of its 77 years of revolution. No, not me, this night of celebration. I'm drinking this one in memory of our shared time together; Axel was always available, not just to me; but to all those whom were passing along Life's road-ways as he was when we lived those moments, shared. Best of all, there were dozens of others attending Axel's c...