...it's countenance...

Access is one of the gifts in the garden of life; like your friendship garden where you grow friendships. I had 'access', therefore respect. The problem being that I didn't respect the fact that I indeed had it, respect -full boar. And, as said, with access in hand the gifts are there for you to harvest, without restriction. Giving adage to understanding, 'a fool and his rewards are soon parted' some like to say, 'a fool and his money soon parted.' It happened to me in the flow between the 70's & 80's where I ended up dead, at least in the medicinal sense, I lost Access. My garden of gifts wilted away behind the wall; with it, my ability to redeem balance over disrespect, ending Access. Side bar: think "Trump's wall" & its under lying message is walling all of us in, as if we were in East Berlin, behind that wall which deny others, as I had denied my self; Remembrance: "As social animals, we're destined to interact wit...