..."trumpeting Trump"...
Imagine any way that fits you that you have had a hearing problem for too long to remember; remembering is also a problem because you are encoding bits and pieces of sound, coming up with the wrong interpretation as to what the conversation was all about, according to the attendees. Anyway! This has been my problem since being discharged from the US Air Force, 1968. And the government would not recognize their liability; therefore no compensation. But now that I'm an old man of 76 years, the government will give me the best that money can buy because I qualify under the "old man's postulate." Yes! The Government left me "deaf & dumb." Simply said, I have a new cochlea implant which gives me the ability to hear without misunderstanding the meaning of the spoken word, its message. But, there is one simple problem. That is to say: You see people in a different context because you can pay attention to what it is that they are saying. Also! Their facial expr...