...go, Henry...!

Visiting with others can be strange. With me it is never what it could have been. You Know! It's a thing of socialization. I never was socialized. What do I mean? Young Henry, who is six years old, knows the name of every state and its capital like, Boston to Mass. He knows their locations on the map as well as the shape of the state on the map. He is also learning the order in which the states became states. Then he performed on the "Keys," his piano. I was more than impressed. He comes out of a caring family. Sidebar: I'm a 74 year old guy who is intimidated by how much he must have missed because of his socialization or lack there of. Now! Ask if this behavior was ever encouraged in your family or any fact similarly to it? He is more in tune with life than most of us who are out and about today. OK! I'll admit it; I'm F***ing jealous. But, as is said: "the beat goes on;" Now! Surely, you too can have a companion to be the proverbial 'fall ...