
I never knew the basic truth. It is a 'fallacy' of logic to use the consequences of an action as evidence for the antecedent of the equivalent future action. I did not know about what was going on. It's not like, as in the song, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones has got a thing going on....; I was simply reacting to the circumstances at hand; I was never the 'star' because I only played the part as circumstances played out. Now! It could be that those old assumptions took on a life of their own when I was out & about, doing the town as they say. You Know! Like King Sisyphus's stone, my stone keeps falling back down to the bottom, grounded in those old assumptions about life. So I think about how the old king who ruled over all still ended up for as hamburger for supper's dining. Yet again, I dug in, put my nose to those old assumptions -my grinding stone. Up the hill I go, like the old king, failing to realize that maybe what I never knew about what was going on...