
Prejudices...think about it this way -if you will: When life first came upon 'thought;' it said something like this, "You loose your footprint when you walk through the water." Then it faced temptation squarely walking on the water in her form of Temptation. Those who espouse their allegiance in her name walk within the community spreading their lies as if their interpretations' authority were meant for consumption as it is being dished out. You know! Fucking A! is what I say. Now -when opportunity comes your way- it is your responsibility to be ready to ride its wave of possibilities. I missed just such a situation the other day. I was not conscious of its possibilities. My present dysfunctional mindset. Side bar: I'm a felon who is listed on the sex offenders registry -considered a pariah in society- I stay away from most social opportunities. I could attend; I don't want to abuse myself. Society can be a very dangerous place to hang your hat; it will c...