Starting over...!

Each person is unique; this is true. But some have been denied the opportunity to learn because their environment had been convoluted with opportunities that are lacking; for, their opportunities lack the challenge needed to learn. I have a blog called the BlackMarket.Me. This is where I conduct my thoughts. Yes! Each day to at least five times a week I compose a line or two to my diary. So it is made up of three components: title, picture, and dialogue. Sometimes, you will find that the influence of these are out of wack. Yes! This is daily meditation, psychobabble! But they come from the same source - therapy sessions! SO each title, picture or dialogue are to be seen as independent contributors to the compositions like syncopation. Also there is the trial - the dialogue put out by the State - their testimony, their perjury. You can also join with me to form this labor union because it is all about "JOBS." "The Icic...