Social Justice...!
It is the structure of the construct: You might think that you are in control or maybe on the fast -track to 'trumping' out your cohort -one for the Donald. So! How about it: if we look at the situation from your point of view; "out and about" should be the name of it. Because you are the product of your family's wealth, or lack thereof. Now let's look at the difference between being a member of your school's alumni because you graduated or attended, what ever the arrangements are. You are a member of a union of people. Now if you did not attend school, you are not a member of anything remotely closed to a union of people; this is why the criminal justice system has been rolled over into the private sector. Yes! As the wealth keeps floating up to the top tier to do with as they wish; and as they say in that neighborhood, "I can't see it from my house." Think about the idea that yesterday's middle class is today's common class; this is...