Unfurling sorrow -finding anger & hate via ISIS.
"the icicle garden" ISIS is a "flag" unfurling in the minds of those who have been inculcated with a dysfunctional operating system. Because if the Middle East was a bottom -up operation, politics would be local; there would be 'jobs.' There would be hope for a future filled with promise. But no, there are no 'jobs.' What they have are 'positions' because the Middle East is a top-down system for distributing resources. The future belongs to the ruling elites; all others will be served in their afterlife. The whole of the old Ottoman's empire is a dysfunctional prison managed by misinterpretations from its basic hermeneutics - meaning the study of the interpretations of the text -the Koran. So each prison has its own operating system which is unique to its facility. Power is distributed throughout the facility between the guards and the inmates as well as between the guard and his or her self best interest so as to advance up ...