I'm sorry, but I'm not dispensable. I'm with "you" here & now! Anonymity is what I would like to feel. Free to know that there is not someone out in the environment looking to take me down as "game" because of their perceived sense of vision., or their elite sense of standing in their own mind. Their point of view is couched in their divinity with their God; whoever that is is a matter of contention, but the point is taken. They are there. My "fear" is real, but it can not interfere with dreaming unless I allow it to. So all of the players in the story are telling you a "false" story about me; so I'm telling something about them. It was Judge Fields who sat on the bench during the proceeding and allowed the rogue-prosecutor to scream out to the sitting jury; " he is a time-share sales man, what chance did she have?" She set the seed of distrust based upon their experiences when taking a timeshare tour. At this poin...