...two "mind's"...thinking.

Imagine the conversation between the felon & his attorney: The attorney wants to develop an "innocence project" in the state of S.C. The felon wants his case to be the bench mark against corruption between "church & state" for the constitution mandates this point of view & the states of N.M & S.C. colluded in the process of setting up a situation where felony sanctions were set, misprision of a felony. When the prosecutor failed to provide any credible evidence the Judge changed the charges to favor the prosecutor, and demonizing the defendant, on statutory grounds. The felon thinks the situation is a no-brainer; but maybe the attorney is reticent because corruption in this case runs "deeper than the deep blue sea." Anyway! Recently, the S.C. Supreme Court ruled that your name can be taken of the "sex offenders registry." Take me before the Supreme Court so I can ask them why they deem it so insignificant in the past when they tur...