I'm a 1957 Chevy, you know! I was born in 1942, meaning that, I was 15 years old, like you; the only difference is the cohort that spawned us. "Today" appears every day: we dance to different music. When I was fifteen, you could find me in one of those "titty-bars" on Tremont St. -downtown Boston- in the 'combat-zone' where the girls were as sweet as the trumpeter's cheeks just blowing on that Horn. You came onto the scene in 1989 - the same year that I entered the "Icicle Garden." In 2004, you too were searching for something sweet. Well, the thing is this, like hindsight, how is this catch-22 phase working out -something sweet? As for me, the train never leaves the station, "The Icicle Garden." That is where they stamp your passport: Land of-the-felon, society's untouchable.