tumble weed

So, I failed the test because I was not analytical in my evaluation, in my answer to the question. Question: How many legs are on the floor? Had I been analytical, I would have differentiated between the pieces presented. For example, there were many animals on the bed including a giraffe. Plus, all the other household animals you could imagine. Also, there were three chickens flying above a chair some where in the room. Now, I was also part of the 'question' or test. Because I walked into the room and the question is about the room, such as, how many legs were on the floor? OK! Obviously, I eliminated the animals which were on the bed because their feet were not on the floor. What I didn't take into consideration was critical to the question. Which was how many legs were on the floor. But animals have both feet & legs, some have wings as well. This was all subterfuge to color the context of the 'question.' So, in recap, I had 2 feet & two legs. I was stan...