
tumble weed

So, I failed the test because I was not analytical in my evaluation, in my answer to the question. Question: How many legs are on the floor? Had I been analytical, I would have differentiated between the pieces presented. For example, there were many animals on the bed including a giraffe. Plus, all the other household animals you could imagine. Also, there were three chickens flying above a chair some where in the room. Now, I was also part of the 'question' or test. Because I walked into the room and the question is about the room, such as, how many legs were on the floor? OK! Obviously, I eliminated the animals which were on the bed because their feet were not on the floor. What I didn't take into consideration was critical to the question. Which was how many legs were on the floor. But animals have both feet & legs, some have wings as well. This was all subterfuge to color the context of the 'question.' So, in recap, I had 2 feet & two legs. I was stan...

Innocence Project...

Innocence: Do not leave it/them out in the cold as Trump has led you down the rabbit-hole of autocracy. There are many people in prison who do not belong there because of the system of white privilege which is being practiced in the state of S.C. Now! At this moment, on a tertiary level, you may find some compassion for those many souls lost to such a system at hand. For you, there will be a future system opening up so that you can get on with Life's journey. No, not so for the fallen felon, innocent or not, all are burned as fodder for the status' of those prejudices which create the environment from which these felons were crafted, poverty. May it be intellectual or financial in nature, you cannot also expect to become farmers of impoverished souls. For example, Just look at the manner in which the criminal justice system in the state of South Carolina has conducted itself, i.e., evidence the News & Couriers' expose on the subject in their news paper over the past few...'s time

The time has come: It is time to stand up and be counted as one of the citizens from the State of South Carolina who has been denied due process of the law. This has been evident in the News & Courier over the last several months in its newspaper reporting. I am asking you to step up and be counted, join my cause for establishing the Innocence Project in the state of South Carolina. Because the state of S.C. has been guilty of corrupting the individual's right-of-due-process as an equal member of the community. The state's criminal justice system has been used to stifle those individuals considered to be less than equal under the law. The state's political system has always been self-centered with their air of superiority over power. For example, as reported in the News & Courier, most recently, the members of the S.C. governmental body of hermeneutics- YES! they are laying out the approved list for Judgeships with a Questionable mind set. That is Questionable as fo...

Celebration of life...:)~@

Let's surrender disbelief, as is said in the Art world; get our head reposition upon our neck in a manner that will allow our nervous system to continue on its way down our spinal column into our inner world. One's body.  That's right. This weekend I had a double hitter, meaning,  in the morning my head was reposition upon my neck; it now sits in the centered of my neck, and not tilted to the right of center as it had been. the blood flow was out of this world, flowing across the cortex of my mind. That same evening, I  attended a friends celebration of life. It was as if I were again on a horse with no name, my body felt none of its 77 years of revolution. No, not me, this night of celebration. I'm drinking this one in memory of our shared time together; Axel was always available, not just to me; but to all those whom were passing along Life's road-ways as he was when we lived those moments, shared.  Best of all, there were dozens of others attending Axel's c...

...dead -like me....

Every one is guilty of living, the thong of the thing is that: there are those who are incarcerated for false infractions of the Law; yet, they are innocent, meaning those particular charges were conjured up by the Powers to be, rogue prosecutors doing the bidding of those whom control the System. This is the reasoning behind the exploratory into establishing an Innocence Program for the state of S.C. I only wish there had been such a program in S.C. when I was falsely accused and subsequently incarcerated in a S.C. maximum-security- prison, Liber, more than thirty(30) years ago.  On Face Book, you can go to "theiciclegarden" or "" and open up a discussion whether you are in favor or not, maybe undecided. Anyway, your opinion on the subject of support is essential for social justice.  Also, this endeavor  has the support of the ACLU via Attorney Jim Morton.   

Quixotic affair....

It's a chocolate promotion for a membership drive on behalf of an exploratory into a UNION for felons & social justice. In this case, numbers matter. This happens when each and every time a 'new-you' joins this exploratory  against the existing system and voices their support for "truth, justice & the American way." Simply put: Why is it alright to make an individual live as an outsider? You know! the expendables. Those taken out of the game called Life. On FB, checkout THEBLACKMARKET.ME  or  THEICICLEGARDEN.  I have a blog called, "the icicle garden blogs" on my web site: And I hope that you get some understanding on what it's like to walk in cement shoes, crossing a terrain of quicksand. And this is why I'm offering you these delicious chocolate truffles as my way of asking for access. I'm stained -wearing Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter" for a crime that never took place, over thirty years ago, dur...'s countenance...

Access is one of the gifts in the garden of life; like your friendship garden where you grow friendships. I had 'access', therefore respect. The problem being that I didn't respect the fact that I indeed had it, respect -full boar. And, as said, with access in hand the gifts are there for you to harvest, without restriction. Giving adage to understanding, 'a fool and his rewards are soon parted' some like to say, 'a fool and his money soon parted.' It happened to me in the flow between the 70's & 80's where I ended up dead, at least in the medicinal sense, I lost Access. My garden of gifts wilted away behind the wall; with it, my ability to redeem balance over disrespect, ending Access. Side bar: think "Trump's wall" & its under lying message is walling all of us in, as if we were in East Berlin, behind that wall which deny others, as I had denied my self; Remembrance: "As social animals, we're destined to interact wit...